Sunday, January 27, 2008

The biggest little city in the world

I'm in Reno for the next few days to complete training before I go to Iraq.

I decided to reenist for 3 years and the first thing I got was a free trip to the middle east to fight the good fight.

Not that I'm all that concerned with going to a hot desert for 6 months, I did that for the last 2 years living in vegas.

I have discussed my thoughts on Reno before, But let's recap. I come up here just often enough to know I don't want to live here. Reno is like Vegas would be if they never built anything or tore anything down. Then you would dial down the energy and turn up the cold. And then make it snow every day.

Yeah, that's pretty much the paradise that I am subject to at this time.

But the best news is when I heard that I'm going to have to wear a 30lb flack jacket to go take a piss. At any rate, it will be a learning experience.

I don't know how often I'll be online and blogging, but rest assured there will be more to come.

I'm in Reno, and I'm gonna be f**kin' bored.

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